martes, 23 de febrero de 2021


Preciosa actividad la que la profesora de Historia, Ángela López, ha llevado a cabo con sus alumnos de la sección bilingüe de 4º ESO. Tras estudiar el Imperialismo del siglo XIX, sus alumnos se han puesto en la piel de jóvenes africanos cuyas vidas cambian cuando llegan "la gente sin color", y la escritura ha sido el mejor vehículo para expresar sus sentimientos. A través de pequeñas reflexiones, cuentos o diarios, han abierto su corazón con el plus de hacerlo en inglés.

Esta actividad se enmarca dentro del proyecto de fomento a la lectura mediante un club de lectura en la plataforma educativa Librarium que compartimos con alumnos del IES Vicente Ferrer, La Parra. Tanto los alumnos del IES Vicente Ferrer como los del IES Fuente Roniel han podido disfrutar de su lectura, participando activamente en un chat.

    Esperamos que disfrutéis de su lectura tanto como ellos al crearlas.

I don't think anyone is reading this but , I need help, I've been left alone!.

    Several months ago this torture began, one day at night , many cars began to hank, I was scared because dad never receives visitors, but they took my family and me out of my house, I could not believe it! They were white, what kind of people were they? I was very scared!

    They started screaming, I couldn't understand anything, Dad talked to them and I didn't know what they were saying, I was a little girl.

    Years and years passed by and these people salted our lands and up to this day this continues. The problem is that my sister and my mother were taken out and my father now works for them. I just tried to escape and seek refuge, now , I am hungry, alone and desperate.

    I don't know what to do, they have taken everything from me.

If anyone is reading this, please get me out there!

written by a young African woman. 1898

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